Work History
Personal Information
Current position
Postgraduate studies supervision
Journal publications
Conference proceedings publications
Executive education
Lehlogonolo Rudolf Kanyane

Lehlogonolo Rudolf Kanyane

Technician: Metallurgical Engineering (Tshwane University Of Technology)


I hold a Doctorate in Metallurgical Engineering, integrating scholarly knowledge with hands-on laboratory experience. I possess five years of experience as a part-time professor, contributing to the development of future engineers, and two years of practical experience as a laboratory technician. My dedication to research and the progression of the subject is evidenced by my extensive publishing record, comprising 15 journal articles and 18 conference papers. My varied experience demonstrates my capacity to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical applications in metallurgical engineering, while also engaging in academic debate through research and publication.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Laboratory Technician

Tshwane University of Technology
04.2023 - Current
  • To provide specialized technical support to students, staff and other relevant stake holders by
    running, managing and maintaining laboratories and facilities (centres and institutes) in the Department.
  • Operate, educate and provide training to students on a variety of specialized equipment for metallurgical processes, as well as mineral processing, and pyrometallurgical related practicals
  • Assist academic staff with practical classes for students up to Hons level where they will design,
    plan and prepare experiments and in limited cases conduct practical sessions under the guidance
    of a lecturer. This would include the procurement and preparation of chemicals and materials
    necessary for laboratory practicals.
  • Assist staff members in specifying equipment requirements, and obtaining quotations from
    relevant suppliers.
  • Ensure that equipment in the laboratories and facilities is maintained in good working order,
    serviced and calibrated.
  • The design and execution of substantive projects involving broadly defined processes and
  • Train and oversee postgraduate students to use Metallurgical engineering machines and
    characterization equipment for their experimental work.
  • Laboratory housekeeping and occupational laboratory safety standards.
  • Active role and knowledge of SHE requirements, policies and legislation
  • Documented information by maintaining daily logs and equipment record books.

Project Manager

Mukalanga Holdings
01.2022 - 12.2024
  • (I) Process design for gold and silver beneficiation (Spirals, Shaking tables and Flotation) and extraction (Leaching, Precipitation and Electro-winning) for Trianglecity mining
  • (II) Development of smart-laboratory extraction processing of PGMs

Part Time Lecturer

Tshwane University of Technology
01.2019 - 01.2023
  • Standard academic duties and responsibilities.
  • Evaluate students on a continuous basis as well as administer tests and assignments according to study guides.
  • Community service and Industry Liaison
  • Research, innovation or community involvement
  • Setting, preparing and conducting lectures for the subjects.
  • Marking all assessments.
  • Participating in departmental meetings and subject meetings.
  • General administration such as capturing test and assignment marks on IT System, uploading documents on myTUTor and compiling of subject file(s).
  • Student consultation.
  • Developed strong relationships with colleagues, collaborating on curriculum development and sharing best practices in teaching strategies.
  • Developed and implemented innovative teaching strategies to engage students in lectures and coursework.
  • Increased student interest by incorporating real-world examples into lessons and connecting material to relevant experiences.
  • Conducted individual research projects to actively contribute to institution's research work.

Project coordinator

Mathushiachane Mining Projects
01.2019 - 01.2021
  • (I) Establishing Diamond Processing plant in Angola and (II) Sourcing quotations for mining equipments’

Student Assistant

Tshwane University of Technology
01.2018 - 01.2019
  • Guiding students through tutorials, assignments and course work
  • Conduct tutorial and practical sessions; prepare for laboratory sessions
  • Assist students out of class with mathematical concepts of the subjects
  • Guiding students through mini projects and presentation
  • Attend all subject lecture sessions and undertake any other additional duties upon request.
  • Planning and preparation of industrial visitations.


Ph.D. - Engineering (Metallurgical)

Tshwane University of Technology
Pretoria, South Africa
04.2020 - 05.2024

Masters of Engineering - Metallurgical

Tshwane University of Technology
Pretoria, South Africa
01.2018 - 06.2019

BTech - Metallurgical Engineering

Tshwane University of Technology
Pretoria, South Africa


Metallurgical analysis and characterization techniques

Laboratory safety protocols

Research paper writing and publication

Data analysis and interpretation

Problem-solving and analytical thinking

Project management

Laboratory supervision and safety protocols

Personal Information

  • Date of Birth: 06/18/95
  • Gender: Male
  • Nationality: South African

Current position

Technician: Metallurgical Engineering (Tshwane University of Technology)

Postgraduate studies supervision

Masters Degree Supervision 

  • G Makgotlho, Co-supervisor, Tshwane University of Technology, In progress
  • R Sithole, Co-supervisor, Tshwane University of Technology, In progress
  • LJ Nonyane, Co-supervisor, Tshwane University of Technology, In progress
  • T Mogakane, Supervisor, Tshwane University of Technology, In progress
  • R Zwiada, Masters, Main supervisor, Tshwane University of Technology, In progress

Doctoral Degree Supervision

  • P Mpofu, Co-supervisor, Tshwane University of Technology, In progress

Journal publications

  • O.S.I. FAYOMI, A.P.I. POPOOLA, L.R. KANYANE, T. MONYAI, Development of reinforced in-situ anti-corrosion and wear Zn-TiO2/Zn-TiB2 coatings on mild steel, Results Phys, 2017,
  • O. S. I. FAYOMI, A. P .I. POPOOLA, L.R. KANYANE, T. MONYAI, Effect of incorporating biodegradable ecofriendly additive in pursuit of improved corrosion, microstructure and mechanical properties of Zn-based TiO2/TiB2 coating by DAECD technique, Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 35, 6, 361-37
  • O.S.I. FAYOMI, L.R. KANYANE, A.P.I. POPOOLA, S.O. OYEDEPO, Electrolytic deposition of super-smart composite coating of Zn-V2O5-NbO2 on low carbon steel for defence application, Defence Technology, 2018, 14, 5, 446-450
  • KANYANE, L.R., MALATJI, N. and POPOOLA, A.P.I., Development of Spark Plasma Sintered TiAlSiMoW Multicomponent Alloy: Microstructural Evolution, Corrosion and Oxidation Resistance, Results in Physics, 2019, 1754-1761
  • KANYANE, L.R., MALATJI, N., POPOOLA, A.P.I. and SHONGWE, M.B., Evolution of Microstructure, Mechanical and Electrochemical behaviour of Ti0.25-Al0.2-Mo0.2-Si0.25W0.1 High Entropy Alloy Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering Technique, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 104, 3163–3171
  • KANYANE, L.R., POPOOLA, A.P.I., PITYANA, S.L. & TLOTLENG, M., Heat-Treatment Effect on Anti-Corrosion Behaviour and Tribological Properties of LENS In-situ Synthesized Titanium Aluminide, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, 2021, 5, 2, 153-161
  • KANYANE, L.R., POPOOLA, A.P.I., PITYANA, S.L. & TLOTLENG, M., Synthesis of Ti-Al-xNb Ternary Alloys via Laser-Engineered Net Shaping for Biomedical Application: Densification, Electrochemical and Mechanical Properties Studies, Materials, 2021, 15, 2, 544
  • KANYANE, L.R., POPOOLA, A.P.I., PITYANA, S.L. & TLOTLENG, M., Experimental and Computational Analysis of Ti-based Alloy Produced by Laser Metal Deposition Technique, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, 2022, 76, 2372–2382
  • KANYANE, L.R., POPOOLA, A.P.I., PITYANA, S.L. & TLOTLENG, M., Laser In Situ Synthesis and Computational Thermal Analysis of Ti-Al-xCr Alloys: Microhardness, Electrochemical Behavior and Tribological Properties, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2023, 32, 9838–9850
  • KANYANE, L.R., & TLOTLENG, M., Electrochemical and Tribological Properties of Ti-Al-xNb Alloys Synthesized via Laser In-Situ Alloying, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2023, 10, 1-8
  • MPOFU, P., MALATJI, N., SHONGWE, M.B. & KANYANE L.R., Corrosion Performance of Cu Doped AlCrFeNiMn HEA Synthesized via Arc-Melting, J Bio Tribo Corros, 2024, 10, 82
  • ANDRIES MTHISI, ABIMBOLA PATRICIA IDOWU POPOOLA, L. R KANYANE, SADIQ ABIOLA RAJI, NICHOLUS MALATJI, The possibility of using laser surface engineered titanium alloy implants as a treatment for cardiovascular diseases, Biomedical Engineering Advances, 2024, 8
  • L.R. KANYANE, P. LEPELE, N. MALATJI, M.B. SHONGWE, 3D finite element analysis and experimental correlations of laser synthesized AlCrNiTiNb high entropy alloy coating, Materials Today Communications, 2024, 38
  • KANYANE, L.R., RAJI, S.A. & TLOTLENG, M., Electrochemical and Tribological Performance of Ti–Al with xNb Addition Synthesized via Laser In situ Alloying, J Bio Tribo Corros, 2024, 10, 8
  • L.R KANYANE., MALATJI, N., PATRICIA POPOOLA, A., Experimental and Computational Thermal Analysis of Ti-Based Alloy Produced by Laser Metal Deposition Technique, JOM, 2024, 76, 2372–2382,

Conference proceedings publications

  • L.R. KANYANE., O.S.I. FAYOMI, A.P.I. POPOOLA, T. MONYAI, Experimental study of the interaction of solanum tuberosum fluid as additive in electrodeposition bath in the presence of Zn-TiO2 on mild steel, International Conference on Sustainable Materials Processing and Manufacturing, SMPM 2017, 01/23/17 - 01/25/17, Kruger National Park
  • KANYANE, L.R., MALATJI, N. and POPOOLA, A.P.I., Influence of Sintering Temperature on Microhardness and Tribological Properties of Equi-Atomic Ti-Al-Mo-Si-W Multicomponent Alloy, International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Engineering (AMSE), 03/22/18 - 03/25/18, Chengdu, China
  • KANYANE, L.R., MALATJI, N., POPOOLA, A.P.I. and SHONGWE, M.B., Spark Plasma Sintering Consolidation of Equi-Atomic TiAlMoSiW High Entropy Alloy, 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Materials Processing and Manufacturing, 03/08/19 - 03/10/19, Sun City Resort, North West Province, South Africa
  • KANYANE, L.R., MALATJI, N. POPOOLA, A.P.I. and FAYOMI, O.S.I., Microstructure and Anti-Corrosion Properties of near Equi- Atomic Ti25Si25Al20Mo20Ni10 High Entropy Alloy Synthesized via Spark Plasma Sintering, 3rd International Conference on Engineering for a Sustainable World (ICESW2019), 07/03/19 - 07/07/19, Covenant University, Canaan Land, Ota, Nigeria
  • L. R. KANYANE, O. S. ADESINA, A.P.I POPOOLA, G.A FAROTADE and N. MALATJI, Microstructural evolution and corrosion properties of laser clad TiNi on titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V), 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Materials Processing and Manufacturing, 03/08/19 - 03/10/19, Sun City Resort, North West Province, South Africa
  • L.R KANYANE, O. S.I FAYOMI, B, A.P.I POPOOLA, P.N SIBISI, Effect of MgO/MnO2 Additives on the Structural Properties of Zinc Electroplated Mild Steel, 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Materials Processing and Manufacturing, 03/08/19 - 03/10/19, Sun City Resort, North West Province, South Africa
  • P.N. SIBISI, A.P.I POPOOLA, N.K.K. ARTHUR, S.M. KUBJANE, A.S.NGOVENI & L.R. KANYANE, Evaluation Of Hatch Distance And Powder Feed Rate Effects In Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Developed By LMD Technique, 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Materials Processing and Manufacturing, 03/08/19 - 03/10/19, Sun City Resort, North West Province, South Africa
  • KANYANE, L.R., MALATJI, N. and POPOOLA, A.P.I., Synthesis and Characterization of TixAlSixMoW light-weight High Entropy Alloys: Mechanical, Tribological and Electrochemical Studies, International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials & Manufacturing Technologies (IMMT 2019), 11/19/19 - 11/23/19, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • KANYANE, L.R., POPOOLA, A.P.I., PITYANA, S.L. & TLOTLENG, M., 2D Computational Modelling of Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of Ti-Al based Alloys during Application, International Symposium on Nanostructured and Advanced Materials (ISNNAM 2021), 03/24/22 - 03/26/22, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
  • KANYANE, L.R., POPOOLA, A.P.I., PITYANA, S.L. & TLOTLENG, M., Effect of Heat-Treatment on Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Ti-Al-xCr Alloys Synthesized by Laser In-Situ Alloying, RAPDASA-RobMech-PRASA-CoSAAMI Conference and Exhibition, 11/09/22 - 11/11/22, Hazendal wine estate, Stellenbosch, South Africa
  • KANYANE, L.R., POPOOLA, A.P.I., PITYANA, S.L. & TLOTLENG, M., Thermo-Mechanical Simulation of Ti-Al Based Alloy Blade in Gas Turbine Engine Conditions, 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (IMMT-2023), 11/20/23 - 11/23/23, Dubai, UAE

Executive education

  • Student mentor, 2014-2016, Helping students with academics and other related situations
  • SAIMM Third prize winner, 2018, Best presentation Award
  • Academic Excellent Award, 2017, Best BTech degree Student Award in Metallurgy
  • Master Top publication award, 2019, 1st prize winner
  • Doctoral Top publication award, 2021, 1st prize winner
  • Digital Academics in Africa (University of Helsinki), 2024, Understanding how living lab contributes to addressing real-world challenges and promoting effective teaching and learning.


Dr L Mavhungu - TUT

HoD: Department of Chemical, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 

+27 12 382 3516

Dr MB Shongwe - TUT

Assistant Dean: Faculty of Engineering

+27 12 382 4363

Dr Malatji - TUT


+27 797851598

Mr Selomu - Mukalanga Holdings


+27 72 716 9183


Laboratory Technician

Tshwane University of Technology
04.2023 - Current

Project Manager

Mukalanga Holdings
01.2022 - 12.2024

Ph.D. - Engineering (Metallurgical)

Tshwane University of Technology
04.2020 - 05.2024

Part Time Lecturer

Tshwane University of Technology
01.2019 - 01.2023

Project coordinator

Mathushiachane Mining Projects
01.2019 - 01.2021

Student Assistant

Tshwane University of Technology
01.2018 - 01.2019

Masters of Engineering - Metallurgical

Tshwane University of Technology
01.2018 - 06.2019

BTech - Metallurgical Engineering

Tshwane University of Technology
Lehlogonolo Rudolf KanyaneTechnician: Metallurgical Engineering (Tshwane University Of Technology)