A flexible, astute, and diligent woman with a hands-on, practical attitude who consistently strives for the greatest outcomes, able to swiftly understand complicated technological challenges, assimilate data or statistics, and gather and evaluate information. Strong problem-solving and negotiating abilities quickly pinpoint the source of any issue and create a workable solution. Demonstrated capacity to oversee and finish projects to the highest standards while paying close attention to detail and meeting deadlines
Seasoned professional with focus on administration and office management. Bring to table ability to streamline processes, enhance productivity and support business operations, utilising organisational skills and multitasking abilities. Committed to providing high-quality administrative support and maintaining smooth office operations.
Project tracking capability
1. Dr Konanani Rashamuse
Department of Science, Technology & Innovation
Chief Director: Innovation Priorities
Phone: (012) 843 6812
Cell: (+27) 072 274 4703
E-mail address: Konanani.Rashamuse@dsti.gov.za
2. Dr Nangula Mavhungu
Department of Science, Technology & Innovation
Deputy Director: R&D Tax Incentive
Phone: (012) 843 6521
Cell: (+27) 076 510 0971/ (+27) 072 284 7969
E-mail address: Nangula.Mavhungu@dsti.gov.za
3. Mrs. Pulane Selom
Department of Science, Technology & Innovation
Human Resource
Phone: (012) 843 6645
Cell: (+27) 081 440 9177
E-mail address: Pulane. Selomo@dsti.gov.za