I am a Medical Surgical Nursing (Adult Health Nursing) scholar and specialist interested in nursing education, practice, and research. I have been involved in both clinical and classroom-based teaching to contribute to students' motivation in the art and science of nursing. My research focus includes traumatic injury, wound care, care of the critically ill, pain management, oncology, and healthcare financing. Strong understanding of collaborative teamwork and scientific communication, driving impactful research outcomes.
Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria
Lead City University, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Kampala International University- Western Campus, Uganda
McPherson University, Ogun State, Nigeria
Federal University of Health Sciences, Ila Orangun, Osun State, Nigeria
Walter Sisulu University, Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Medical Outreaches to Villages in Oyo State Nigeria
Health Talk in Churches, Social Organizations, Christmas Health Outreach 'Touching Lives at Christmas"
'Purity is Possible Campaign'. Visit to Secondary Schools, Churches, and Organisations in Western Uganda (Presentations on prevention of teenage pregnancy, HIV/AIDs talk outreaches)
South Africa:
Community Engagement- Health Talk, Role play, demonstration
1. Ogundeji, K.D. (2015). Nurse's Knowledge of Pain Assessment and Pharmacological Management: A Case Study of Two Selected Hospitals in Ibadan Oyo State. African Journal of Nursing and Health Issues, 6 (1)
2. Ogundeji, K.D. (2017). Achieving Universal Health Coverage through NHIS Voluntary Contributors Social Health Insurance Programme (VCSHIP): Implication for Nursing Education and Practice. Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 2(4), 14-18
3. Ogundeji, K.D., Oluwaleke A.K., Akinyemi K.F. (2017). Costing Nursing Services in Health Care Delivery System: Nigerian Nurses at the Cross Road. West African Journal of Nursing, 28(2), 41-47
4. Ogundeji, K.D., Akinyemi K.F. (2018). Knowledge and Practice of Episiotomy among Midwives at Adeoyo Maternity Hospital Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria. Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research.3 (3), 21-27
5. Akinyemi, K.F., Adeyemo A., Ogundeji K.D. (2018). Pain Relief during Labour: Attitudes of Post-Partum Mothers in Selected Hospitals in Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal of Midwifery and Reproductive Health, 6(4), 1414-1421, DOI: 10.22038/jmrh.2018.25543.1278
6. Ogundeji, K.D and Akinyemi K.F. (2018), Choice of Nursing Career: The Perception of Male Secondary School Students in Ibadan Metropolis. West African Journal of Nursing, 29(2). 1-12.
7. Ogundeji, K.D., Akinyemi K.F., Adeyemo A., Oluwaleke A.K., Ilesanmi R.E. (2018). Economic burden of wound care among patients in a Nigerian teaching hospital: Implications for Insurance Coverage in Nigeria; African Journal of Nursing and Health Issues, 9(2), 139- 154.
8. Ogundeji, K.D., Adeyemo A., Akinyemi K.F., Omowumi S., Oluwaleke A.K., Ogunleye A. (2019). Final Year Students Knowledge of Pain Management: A Survey of Nursing Schools in Oyo State Nigeria. International Journal of Medical and Health Research, 5(1), 147-152
9. Ogundeji, K.D. (2020). Hand washing: An essential infection control practice. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 13(1), 776-786
10. Ogundeji, K.D., Akinyemi K.F., Faremi F.A. (2020). A Pilot Study on Nurses Awareness of NHIS-VCSHIP in Nigeria, Implication for out-of-Pocket Healthcare Expenditure, Annals of Nursing and Practice, 7(2), 1112
11. Ilesanmi, R.E and Ogundeji K.D. (2020). Nursing Intensity per Wound Care episode: A case of Poor Costing of Nursing Care in Nigeria. West African Journal of Nursing; 30(2), 36-46
12. Ogundeji, K.D. (2020). Evaluation of Nursing Care Value: Rhetoric of 21stCentury Nursing Frontiers, International Journal of Caring Sciences,13(2), 1463-1466
13. Aluko, J.O., Ndikom C.M, Ogundeji K.D., Onasoga O.A., and Asubiojo J.O. (2020). Ownership and utilization of Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets and Intermittent Preventive Therapy for Malaria Prevention among Pregnant Women in Ago-Amodu, Saki, Oyo State, Nigeria. Nigeria Journal of Nursing, 1(2), 27-41
14. Ogundeji, K.D and Adeyemo A. (2020). Nurses’ awareness of NHIS-VCSHIP as a tool for scaling up universal health coverage in Nigeria. Nursing and Primary Care Journal, 4(6): 1-7
15. Adejumo, P.O, Ojo I.O., Abiona B.M., Ogundeji K.D., Ani O.B., Yaya O.S et al., (2021). Final year nursing students’ knowledge of genomic concepts and readiness for use in practice in selected Federal Institutions in South West Nigeria. Annals of Nursing and Practice, 8(1), 1120
16. Ogundeji, K.D (2021). Genomic Implications of Covid-19 differentials: Analytical Review, International Journal of Caring Sciences; 14(3), 2070-2074
17. Oyediran, OO., Adeyemi SO., Ogundeji KD., Fawole IO., Faremi FA., Ayandiran EO. (2022). Predictors of Low Back Pain among Perioperative Nurses in a Typical Nigeria Teaching Hospital. Chronic Pain and Management Journal, 6: 140. DOI: 10.29011/2576- 957X.100040
18. Ogundeji, K.D, Risenga PR., Thupayagale-Tshweneagae, GB. (2022). Challenges of Health Insurance Scheme in Nigeria. West African Journal of Nursing, 32, 20-23
19. Ogundeji, K.D., Risenga, P.R., & Thupayagale-Tshweneagae., G. (2023). Cost of wound dressing, Implication for enrollment into the National Health Insurance Scheme, Nigeria, Curationis, 46(1), a2390. https://doi.org/10.4102/ curationis. v46i1.2390
20. Ogundeji, K.D, Risenga PR, Thupayagale-Tshweneagae, GB (2023). The direct cost of the wound dressing in Nigeria: Implication for catastrophic healthcare expenditure. International Journal of African Nursing Sciences. 19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijans.2023.100597
21. Ogundeji, K.D., Risenga PR., Thupayagale-Tshweneagae., GB. (2024). Healthcare Financing in Nigeria: Current trend and Issue. East African Medical Journal. 101(2)
22. Ogundeji, K.D. (2024). Socio-Demographic Correlates of Inpatients Cost of Wound Dressing per Acute Care Episode. International Journal of Caring Sciences; 17(2): 1001- 1010
23. Risqat NT, Ohaeri BM, Ogundeji KD (2024): Patients Satisfaction with Nursing Care Quality in Ibadan, Nigeria. International Journal of Caring Sciences; 17(2): 726- 744
Articles under Review in Peer Review Journal
1. Ogundeji K.D, Risenga PR, Thupayagale-Tshweneagae, GB (2024). A Nursing Care Costing Model for Wound Dressing: Evidence from South West Nigeria. Pan African Medical Journal.
2. Ogundeji K.D (2024). The differential cost of wound dressing per wound diagnosis: Evidence from southwest Nigeria. Journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research
3. Ogundeji KD and Chitha W (2025). Direct Cost of Wound Dressing: Hospitalized Patients Experience in South West Nigeria. PLOS ONE
4. Ogundeji KD and Nomatshila C. (2025). Outpatient Cost of Wound Dressing in Resource-Poor Settings of Southwest Nigeria. PLOS ONE
Reading, Teaching and Travelling