Dedicated and compassionate Registered Nurse (RN) with progressive career history in direct patient care, triage and care coordination in fast-paced environment. Proven to remain calm under pressure and skillfully handle difficult patients and high-stress situations. Consistently developing strong relationships with patients and families through empathetic communication, respectful attitude and excellent customer service.
Caring Nurse with years of experience in diverse healthcare organization working with emergency department patients. Adept at introducing detailed care plans and coordinating patient care through interdisciplinary collaboration. Demonstrated expertise in physical, psychosocial, developmental and educational aspects of nursing care for patients and families
Patient education
Medication and IV administration
Medication administration
Privacy and confidentiality
Vital signs monitoring
Airway management
Trauma nursing
Emergency triage
Emergency care
Excellent communication
Critical care nursing
Abdullahi, Mohammed Ahmed
ID No 9408106367184
gender : Male
Addresss: 4 gresham road ,johannesburg, Gauteng, 2092
contact details : 0710110423/011 74203122
language : English, Somali language, Zulu
religion : Islam
dependents : Mother, Father, Brother
marital status :Married,
nationality Somalia, South African
health status : Very healthy,
Football, Running, Hiking, Excellent communication
i love playing football in my spare times because it keeps me healthy physically and mentally