Excellent Microsoft Office (Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms Publisher & Ms Powepoint) knowledge
Education is a strong tool for transforming people's lives, and it is the most potent and decisive factor. I therefore, aim to make significant contribution in people’s lives within my community and the across the globe at large, through the sharing of knowledge in the tourism academia fraternities as well the tourism industry at large. I will be able to achieve this through my adaptability in tourism research whereby I combine theory and practical and develop a holistic understanding of the tourism industry and its related issues
Publishing journal articles
Bama, H.K.N., Sunday, T. & Makuzva, W. 2022. "What innovations would enable the tourism and hospitality industry in Africa to re-build?", Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/WHATT-05-2022-0058
Muresherwa, G., Makuzva, W., Dube, N.C. & Amony, I. 2022. The management of mountain gorilla tourism in Uganda: Are the socio-economic benefits realised? The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, 18(1):1-9.
Makuzva, W. & Ntloko, N.J. 2021. Developing a resort destination through the eyes of the tourist. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 37(3):921-928.
Makuzva, W. & Ntloko, N.J. 2018. Tourism product as a measure to determine the key elements that influence tourists’ decisions to visit Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 7(3):1-12.
Muresherwa, G. & Makuzva, W. 2022. Mountain gorilla tourism: An approach to conservation of endangered species. ATLAS ONLINE Africa Conference. 14 February 2022.
Makuzva, W. & Mabaleka, N.M. 2021. An analysis of the tourism recovery strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic in South Africa. 5th International Conference on Events - Making New Waves in Africa. Cape Town, South Africa. 16-18 November 2021.
Makuzva, W. & Ntloko, N.J. 2018. Tourists’ profile visiting Victoria Falls tourism product. 8th International conference on tourism management & related issues, Prague, Czech Republic. 20-21 September 2018.
Makuzva, W. & Ntloko, N.J. 2018. Tourists’ perceptions of Victoria Falls tourism product. 7th Biennial ITSA & 2nd TESA International Conference, Pretoria, South Africa. 06-10 August 2018.
Makuzva, W. 2021. Covid-19 pandemic effects on the future of studying tourism management: Perspectives of exit-level students at a university of technology. 9th Annual Research in Teaching and Learning (RITAL) Conference. Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town. 25 November 2021.
Makuzva, W. 2018. Tourists’ perspectives of a tourism product in a selected Zimbabwean town. Master’s thesis. Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa.
Co-supervising master’s student Ms Uaarukapo Tjitunga – Title: Educational tourism as a strategy for sustainable tourism development: perspectives of universities in Windhoek, Namibia.
Book chapter:
Dube, C., Muresherwa, G. & Makuzva, W. 2022. Domestic leisure tourism: lessons learnt from township business operators during the COVID-19 pandemic era. (Forthcoming).
Manuscripts submitted for publication:
Makuzva, W. & Muresherwa, G. 2022. Covid-19 impact on future study choices: will students consider a tourism qualification post the pandemic?
Tjitunga, T., Bama, H.K.N. & Makuzva, W. 2022. Educational tourism as a strategy for sustainable tourism development: Perspectives of Universities in Windhoek.
Excellent Microsoft Office (Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms Publisher & Ms Powepoint) knowledge
Excellent SPSS knowledge
Excellent Blackboard Collaborate knowledge
Excellent knowledge of Travel Logic and CRM
Good understanding of AtlasTi
Amadeus and Air Fare Ticketing
WETU (Itinerary Builder)
Master's Degree in Tourism & Hospitality Management
Travelling to places of interests
Watching Soccer
Outdoor activities
As a lecturer and an upcoming researcher, my research journey commenced from my BTech research project on the Socio-Economic Impacts of the McGregor Festival an annual event held in the town of McGregor in the Breede River Winelands Municipality, South Africa. I also conducted several fieldwork researches projects at events such as the 2014, 2016 and 2022 Cape Town Carnival, 2014 Cape Town International Jazz Festival, Mother City Queer Project (MCQP) in 2014 as well as Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon (OMTOM) event impact study. Furthermore, I conducted research for my Master's degree from the proposal development to the final thesis write up and then proceeded to do a full research dissertation on my PhD studies to be completed by December 2023. All these areas of research have prepared me so much that I understand the significance of research in the customer service management and their behaviour as well as destination management development and destination marketing. These are the main areas I am focusing on and I can undertake any research work both at local scale and with the help of senior researchers cope with international research projects more broadly. I desire to encourage the young generation to learn that sharing of vital knowledge is the key for growth and sustainability for every nation and the strength of the nation is based on the combination of knowledge from a diverse background. I learn more through research and will continue to explore more on this line.
1. Dr Cynthia Dube (Academic)
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Tel. +27 (0) 21- 460 4250
Cell. 072 262 1225
2. Ms Sandra Devoti (Industry)
Giltedge Africa
General Manager
Cell. +27 84 823 4269
Tel. 021 713 0296
3. Lauren Maker (Industry)
Explore Safari
Senior Travel Planner & Product Manager
Tel: 060 567 0363
Cell: 072 275 6756
4. Nikki Thaver (Academic/Industry)
Southern Africa 360
Destination Marketing Manager
Tel. +27 (87) 236 7709
5. Dr Jonathan Ncedo Ntloko (Academic)
North West University
Senior Lecturer Tourism Management
Cell. +27 83 412 0824
6. Dr Chris Hatting-Niekerk (Academic)
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Senior Lecturer Tourism Management
Tel. +27 (0)21 460 3587
Cell. 083 289 9499
Master's Degree in Tourism & Hospitality Management
Bachelor's Degree in Tourism Management
National Diploma in Tourism Management
- Certified Publons Academy Peer Reviewer.
- Academic Giant Awards.
- Computer Operations & Packages
- Microsoft Digital Literacy.
- Certified South African Specialist
- Tutoring
- Community engagement certificate.
- Volunteer Certificate
- Teaching and Development Programme (CPUT).
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CPUT
- Certificates for Presenting at Academic Conferences