Work History
Writting, Reading, Hiking, Running, Travel
Nomahlubi Jakuja

Nomahlubi Jakuja

Political Economist/Policy Manager
Cape Town,WC


Nomahlubi Jakuja has worked on a variety of projects including developing a financial inclusion strategy for a leading African bank
in 12 markets and the SADC Secretariat, research on mitigation strategies in South Africa, managing the sustainable food
systems programme and developing a low-cost strategy for antenatal and postnatal classes in South Africa while having worked
as a Financial Intelligence Analyst at HSBC.Nomahlubi’s skills include strategy development and implementation, public policy and advocacy, research, communication, programme management, budget and financial analysis and macroeconomics. She has worked with various national and local government departments and multilateral institutions like AFDB, NEPAD, EU, dti, DAF, DEA, The Presidency, NDOH, and
Mpumalanga Provincial DOH.


years of post-secondary education
years of professional experience

Work History

Gender Consultant

Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE)
Johannesburg, Gauteng
05.2021 - 07.2021

Design and lead a research study on what stock exchanges are doing to promote gender equality across the globe and regionally and make sound recommendations for the JSE.

Conduct Interviews with leading stock exchanges and include how the JSE can work towards achieving SDG 5.

Design research framework and interview tools

Programme Manager (Consultant)

Johannesburg, Gauteng
05.2020 - 12.2020

Implementing a national Decanting strategy for Stable Patients on Chronic Medication for the Department of Health. Working with the HAST and HIV Cluster at the Department of Health and USAID. Liaison between GETF and the National Department of health.

Responsible for housing the campaign within the appropriate unit within the department of health.

Training National and provincial health departments on the decanting strategy

Short Term Consultant

IFC/World Bank
Johannesburg, Gauteng
05.2020 - 11.2020

Worked on the South Africa Prosperity Programme which aimes to move South Africa up the ranks on the Ease of Doing Business World Rankings.

Implemented various institutional reforms with the government and the
private sector on the Ease of Doing Business Indicators to get South

Africa in the top 50 by 2023.

Acted as the liaison consultant between Washington and the South African government on instituting the reforms.

Working at the subnational level as well to implement the reforms.

Developed business processes for registering commercial property for the Ekurhuleni Municipality, Mangaunga, City of Johannesburg and Tshwane

Developing a communication plan cross cutting government department and communicating reforms to the public.

Custodian departments National Treasury, The Presidency and the South African Revenue Services.

Gender Consultant

Johannesburg, Gauteng
02.2020 - 04.2020

Responsible for researching Feminist Principles to governance and policy formulation.

Wrote a Feminist Government Manifesto for Oxfam South Africa. Trained OxfamZA activists on the tool and how to conduct a National Budget Analysis using a feminist lens.

Economic Researcher and Policy Manager

South African Federation of Trade Unions
Johannesburg, Gauteng
09.2019 - 01.2020

Worked on creating a policy on Climate change for the South African labour movement.

Research on public financing of renewable energy and a just transition and the unbunddling of ESKOM.

Conducted Radio and TV interviews on the union stances on various topics including Eskom, Renewable Energy and Gender Based Violence.

Worked with the Trade Union for Energy Democracy in drafting a South Africa labour policy stance on South Africa's Energy Mix.


South African Human Rights
Johannesburg, Gauteng
05.2019 - 08.2019

Develop a policy brief on South Africa and the ICC together
with mapping out how independence of the African
Commission and African Court can be sustained and

Programmer Analyst

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Johannesburg, Gauteng
11.2018 - 04.2019

Managing the countries Medical Male Circumcision

Programme under the national HIV Prevention Strategy. Budget Management and Ensuring Financial Sustainability.
Worked with the National Department of Health, provincial and USAID partners including PEPFAR

Programme Lead

DGMT (Grow Great Campaign)
Johannesburg, Gauteng
03.2018 - 08.2018

A campaign to raise awareness on the prevalence of stunting in South Africa.


Developing a strategy for ending stunting. Develop a model of implementing the strategy in 9 provinces. Engaging with the National Department of Health.

Successes: Developed the strategy and implemented in 4 Provinces. Included the measuring of height on the national road to health book.

Other responsibilities included managing a team of 8. Presenting to the board on programme roll-out and budget spend.

Climate Change Researcher & Programme Coordinator

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Johannesburg, Gauteng
05.2016 - 02.2018

Climate Change Researcher. Researched alternatives to cement as well as financing mechanisms for climate change. Research published by WWF.

Also managed the UN Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Country
programme under the 10 Year Framework Programme on secondment to the Department of Trade and Industry.

Acted as Country focal point. Set on the Co-Leadership. Responsible for mainstreaming SFS work at the Department of Trade and Industry
and other government departments. Stakeholder liaison including engaging with NEPAD, AFDB, academia and the South African Consumer Goods Council. Formed roundtable discussions with the stakeholders looking at the South African food value chain.
Coordinating Food Waste Reduction Work in the Country.
Success: Invited to Operation Phakisa (highest Policy formulation meeting in government and presented on the lack of data on food waste. The department of Environmental Affairs later established a food waste bureau.) Constructed and wrote a winning proposal for a
Voluntary Agreement project in South Africa involving industry,
government and the NGO sector funded by the EU. Conducted
primary and desktop research on climate mitigation
approaches. Conducted research on the cement industry and
climate mitigation approaches applicable in the sector. Hosted
roundtables including industry experts and other stakeholders.
Published findings of the research.


Dalberg Global Advisory
Johannesburg, Gauteng
08.2015 - 10.2015

Consulting for development agencies in Africa and around the world focusing on innovative solutions for development issues such as financial inclusion. Worked on developing a regional strategy for Financial

Inclusion for the SADC Secretariat and developed a model for accessing the mass market across 12 markets in Africa for an international bank. Also responsible for data collection, cleaning and presentation of the data to stakeholders.

Financial Intelligence Analyst

Johannesburg, Gauteng
01.2014 - 07.2015

Economic Forecasting. Country Profiling to assess impact of
socio-economic activities on the business and report drafting for
EXCO. Research. Political and economic country analysis.
Financial analysis. Analysing client accounts to determine any
money laundering patterns. Reporting to regulators


Bachelor of Social Sciences - Economics And Politics

University of Cape Town
Cape Town
01.2009 - 12.2012

Honours Degree in Social Sciences - International Relations

University of KwaZulu Natal
01.2013 - 04.2014

Master of Arts - Public Policy

University of The Witwatersrand
01.2015 - 04.2018


Public Policy



International Association for Feminist Economists

Writting, Reading, Hiking, Running, Travel

List of Publications

Economic Analysis Op Ed

Article published by the Daily Maverick, 17 November 2019

Financing Sustainable Development in Africa

Book Chapter contribution, June 2018, Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Sustainable Economic Development

Article presented at the St. Gallen Symposium in Switzerland,
May 20

Nomahlubi JakujaPolitical Economist/Policy Manager