Proven leader in Social Behavior Change, adept at project management and critical thinking, with a track record of designing and implementing impactful health interventions for USAID/UGANDA HEALTH ACTIVITY (FHI360). Excelled in team collaboration and strategic communication, significantly enhancing program effectiveness and stakeholder engagement.
years of professional experience
Work History
Technical Advisor- Social Behaviour Change
02.2023 - Current
Coordinating technical contributions of the regional team to the development and refinement of capacity-strengthening project inputs (training/mentoring/coaching, tools, guidelines, and standards) to support GoU SBC interventions
Contributing to the learning agenda by identifying information gaps that could be filled by secondary data analysis, literature reviews, field testing of new approaches, and collaborative learning events; coordinating, overseeing, and contributing to technical inputs on learning activities
Providing overall technical leadership to the project to design, implement, and evaluate SBC strategies and ensure integration of SBC in program activities across the project at all levels
Overseeing the design and implementation of evidence-based, SBC interventions that will lead to positive social and behavior change
Leading the design and implementation of participatory formative research to shape the project’s overall SBC approach
Contributing to the design and implementation of M&E activities, including baseline, end line, and other activities related to SBC, and integrated SBC into project monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems
Engaging in networks and forums to support the government of Uganda and a diverse set of partners related to SBC
Identify successful practices in the project that can be showcased in publications, communication materials, and conferences and support their development
Maintaining diplomatic and high-quality interactions and clear and consistent communications internally and with partners
Regional Coordinator, Western Region
Marie Stopes International Uganda
11.2017 - 01.2021
Managed the successful implementation of the Youth and adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health project in close coordination with Marie Stopes management and technical project staff, partners, and other key stakeholders
Organized and Coordinated with the Uganda MOH on all technical issues about the Project including representing the Project at meetings at the Ministry of Health
Coordinated the logistics and technical revision from the National Family Planning Curriculum to the Comprehensive National Family Planning Curriculum
Managed staff and Finances of the project to ensure value for money and proper utilization and accountabilities
Conducted technical presentations at conferences, technical meetings, and the Ministry of Health meetings to share the project progress, achievements, and lessons learned
Led the development of a work plan, activity plan, and budget to expand the Family Planning Project
Represented the project at a local level to country partners to further the aims of the project
Was responsible for monthly, quarterly, and annual reports on Project programmatic, financial, and operational matters of the project in the region
Ensured the project was implemented in a fiscally responsible manner and in full compliance with all laws, regulations, and Marie Stopes project policies and procedures
Reviewed training curricula and implemented the training for health facility staff community health workers, and CBO partners
Developed and implemented IEC/BCC materials, ensuring that they comply and get approval from the Uganda Ministry of Health
I also ensured their delivery at supported Health facilities
Prepared high-quality programmatic, administrative, and financial reports and submitted them to the head of the program
Prepared budget and work plan for HIV/FP integration component of APC project and monitored field activity budgets monthly, including submitting field activity funds requests to the Program Manager
This included adherence to organizational financial policies & and procedures, including collecting and compiling valid receipts for all expenses and submitting receipts promptly
National Consultant
SWICHI International Uganda-UNICEF Collaboration
10.2016 - 08.2017
Designed a highly proven implementation strategy that helped the project to scale up high-impact maternal and child nutrition interventions both at community and facility levels in 20 districts of the western region
Reviewed and finalized the content of communications materials and training materials for technical program purposes especially those in line with nutrition governance and integrated child health care
Developed a strong partnership with the office of the prime minister and District Management Teams at the district level to strengthen multisectoral nutrition governance in the 20 districts of the western region and Karamoja region
Supported the activity to Identify and orient community-based groups, VHTs, and organizations to implement BCC activities and refer clients for increased health service delivery
Mapped out the community groups in the western region and oriented their leaders in integrated child health care
Regional Behaviour Change Communication Officer-SW Region
USAID Community Connector Project (FHI)
09.2012 - 09.2016
Developed a strong partnership with District Health Management Teams at the district level to implement Behaviour Change Communication activities at the community and health facility levels
Identified and oriented community-based groups, VHTs, and organizations to implement SBCC activities and refer clients for increased health service delivery
Carried out community mobilization activities to gear up demand for integrated reproductive health and improved childcare services at the health facility level
Developed and pretested Behaviour Change Communication messages and IEC materials with different targeted audiences
Organised and conducted radio talk shows at local radio stations to promote information dissemination to target audiences
Represented USAID community connector project at district, regional, and national meetings
Provided technical support to local organizations and district health teams in the implementation and direction of Behaviour change communication activities
Strengthened VHTs by organizing their training and building their capacity to develop action points in promoting maternal and infant health
Worked with health unit management committees and health facilities to promote quality assurance at the facility level for increased quality health services
Ensured timely reporting by partners (CBOs and VHTs)
Facilitated community-based integrated outreaches to promote service delivery in the most hard-to-reach areas of the six districts
Carried out interpersonal communication sessions for health workers at private and government-run health facilities for increased demand and access to health services
Community Based Health Care (CBHC) Coordinator
Rukungiri District Health Office/Bujumbura Health Sub-district
01.2006 - 12.2011
Designed and managed community-based health interventions that focused on Maternal and child health as well as HIV/AIDS prevention for the Hospital rural development program area in Rukungiri District of Uganda
Provided leadership in drafting annual program work plans and budgets I also designed complimentary proposals to increase the Hospital Community Health department funding
Monitored project implementation and budget management for the CBHC program
Liaised with other NGOs involved in Community Based Health Care and the District to enhance learning within the organization
I facilitated training that aimed at developing capabilities of CBHC staff working for the program
Led the developing strategic plans and new initiatives to address reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS related health problems in rural areas of Rukungiri district
Participated in Support supervision of lower Health facilities in the Health Sub-district of Rujumbura of which Nyakibale hospital was the headquarter
Coordinated and managed the Orphan and vulnerable children (OVC) project of Nyakibale Hospital
Responsible for coordinating and managing the Project that supported the small income generating activities 800 HIV positive post-test club members
The project also supported the payment of medical bills of the post-test club members at Nyakibale Hospital
Part time tutor of midwifery and community health at Nyakibale school of Nursing and midwifery
This was part of my job description as a coordinator for community Health department
Health Facility In Charge
Bambara Health Centre III-Rukungiri District Health Department
01.2002 - 12.2005
Conducted community trainings for young mothers and youth about Family planning methods and Reproductive health
Organized community outreaches for education and sensitization of local women groups and young people about HIV/AIDS, RH and family planning
Formed local community groups – peer education clubs for young males and females to encourage use of Family planning methods
Provided condoms and other methods to village distributors to increase access and affordability
Provided follow up and support to peer educators at the local level
Referred clients for appropriate care
Delivered safe, direct care to patients
Used nursing processes to implement and documenting individualized nursing plans of care incorporating age specific considerations, including discharge planning and patient/family teaching and administered medications
Followed patient safety-related policies, procedures and protocols
Demonstrate proactive approach to patient safety by seeking opportunities to improve patient safety through questioning of current policies and processes
Identified and reported/corrected environmental conditions and/or situations that may put a patient at undue risk
Ph.D. - Public Health
Bishop Stuart University
Master of Public Health -
Bugema University
Bachelor - Counselling Psychology
Bishop Stuart University
Diploma - Mental Health
MOH Training Institute
Project Management
Critical thinking
Problem solving
Ability to work independently
Team player
Attention to detail
Strong communication skills
Strong presentation skills
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Word
Internet services
12/2018, Training Consultant, Bio Varsity International, The overall objective of this activity was to Support the design, formulation, management, execution, monitoring and evaluation of behavioural change and social mobilization strategy, plan of action and Programme activities in support of IFAD financed projects in Uganda including project for restoration of livelihoods in northern region of Uganda (PRELNOR) and Vegetable oil development project phase ii (VODP II) in Kalan gala., Engaged the government officials especially Ministry of health department of Health education and division of nutrition in the process to ensure the team reviewed the Drafted, and edited the final versions of the developed materials and endorsed the final materials before they were utilized., Led the pre-testing of the developed materials and review to have final versions., Actively took part in the initial utilization of developed materials through awareness., Developed capacity of Project Management Teams and extension service providers using the developed package., Compiled a comprehensive report detailing the process of the training and material development.
01/2018 - 05/2018, Development of Integrated child Health care campaign materials, UNICEF, Designed and pre-tested culturally relevant Programme communication materials., Organized, developed and implemented effective training materials and activities to build capacity in participatory and behaviour communication at community and various government levels., Provided Technical support to government counterparts in the development and effective use of communication for social development., Undertook Monitoring and evaluation of Programme activities and prepared reports timely and properly., Effectively shared the findings, experiences, lessons learned, best practices and new methods with government officials, Programme staff, and other partners., Programme communication and demand creation strategy and plan of action strategically developed and formulated, and the implementation effectively managed, facilitated and executed for social and behavioural change in support of efficient and effective Programme delivery.
Dr. Danniella Migisha, Senior Technical Advisor, Integrated Health Services Delivery, USAID – Uganda Health Activity,
Dr. Ronald Kiboneire, Country Program Manager, WISH II Project – Uganda, 0782 680067,
Ms Natukunda Stella, Finance and Administration Manager, Church World Service Inc., 0775157172,
Excellent Project Management skills
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving
Interpersonal Skills
Ability to work independently under minimal supervision.
Team player
Attentive to details and accurate at work
Strong communication and presentation skills
Excellent proficiency in Microsoft Office, particularly Excel, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Internet services and e-learning.
Qualitative and quantitative research and research project management and coordination.
Project monitoring and evaluation
Resource mobilization
Grant development and management
Technical Advisor- Social Behaviour Change
02.2023 - Current
Regional Coordinator, Western Region
Marie Stopes International Uganda
11.2017 - 01.2021
National Consultant
SWICHI International Uganda-UNICEF Collaboration
10.2016 - 08.2017
Regional Behaviour Change Communication Officer-SW Region
USAID Community Connector Project (FHI)
09.2012 - 09.2016
Community Based Health Care (CBHC) Coordinator
Rukungiri District Health Office/Bujumbura Health Sub-district
01.2006 - 12.2011
Health Facility In Charge
Bambara Health Centre III-Rukungiri District Health Department
01.2002 - 12.2005
Ph.D. - Public Health
Bishop Stuart University
Master of Public Health -
Bugema University
Bachelor - Counselling Psychology
Bishop Stuart University
Diploma - Mental Health
MOH Training Institute
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