Firm Environmental Health Officer with one-year background responding to and investigating accidents and complaints. In-depth knowledge of Healthcare Risk regulations and familiarity with OHS programs. Standard nvestigative, judgment and problem-solving abilities. Establishing systems and providing leadership for identification and monitoring of workplace safety risks. Management of Healthcare risk and practices to ensure safe handling of waste and properly segregation. Monitoring of water quality Management and educating Healthcare workers regarding safe water practices and Healthcare risk waste practices. Ensuring food safety practices in the Food Aid Service to prevent any possible food borne diseases
Water Quality management
[Senorita Nhlabathi District Hospital] Community Service Training - [Feb 2023 - Jan 2024]
[Completion of Community Service], [Senorita Nhlabathi District Hospital] - [1 Feb 2023 - 31 Jan 2024]
[Senorita Nhlabathi District Hospital] Community Service Training - [Feb 2023 - Jan 2024]
Certified [Environmental Health Practitioner], [Senorita Nhlabathi District Hospital] - [1 Feb 2023 - 31 Jan 2024]
[HPCSA] License - [1 JAN 2023 - 31 MAR 2024]